Adult Therapy
Helping you Live a Life of Ease
Are everyday stressors completely overwhelming at times?
Are you feeling exhausted or stuck in a rut with your day job?
Are you finding yourself less motivated to reach out to your social network?
Are you irritable, upset easily, or stressed by relatively small inconveniences?
Are you noticing you are more irritable and angry towards your family?
Are you finding that things don’t bring you joy like they once did?
Are you having difficulty concentrating or falling asleep?
Life is particularly hard these days. We are bombarded with tasks and deadlines at every waking hour and have to manage multiple balls in the air at any given time. Perhaps the pandemic has created even more stressors for you, including financial strain and changes in the workplace. We sometimes feel like we are just “getting through the day” rather than really enjoying our time on this planet.
Therapy can help you gain control over emotions, unhelpful thoughts and behaviours. It involves a client and therapist developing a trusting relationship in a safe environment and putting the pieces together that will lead you to better well-being.
What is addressed in individual therapy for adults?
feeling “stuck” or unfulfilled
mood disorders including depression and bipolar
anxiety or worry about the future
social anxiety
low self-esteem
sleep issues, insomnia
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
behaviour problems
disordered eating
sleep disorders
substance use disorders
relationships with others
emotional dysregulation
“Your mental health is the most important investment you will ever make. Learn how to live a life of ease, develop effective coping strategies, and increase your own self-compassion.”
What to expect: Individual counselling sessions are conducted in-person in our office or virtually in the comfort of your own home. They are usually 50 minutes in length (this allows 10 minutes at the end of the hour for the therapist to write their note and plan for next session). Sessions can be done on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis, depending on your goals and your therapist’s recommendation.
Should I do my sessions virtually or in-person? This completely depends on your circumstances and preferences . Virtual therapy is very convenient for people with busy schedules (you could even do it on your lunch break or after getting the kids to bed). For some, getting cozy on their own sofa and not having to fight traffic to get to their appointment is a significant bonus. For others, in-person appointments may make more sense as it lends to better privacy for sessions and helps the person feel connected to the therapist. There is no right and wrong answer to how you decide to do therapy - we find both options are highly effective!
Adult therapy at Brookhaven
Our therapists have significant experience treating a variety of adult stressors in a therapeutic modality. We can match you to the therapist that specializes in your age and stage and unique stressors that you want to address. All of our therapists offer free 15 minute consultations to determine your best fit. Give us a call today!
Some of our Adult Therapists
Gail Paterson
Registered Social Worker / Psychotherapist
Chris Pimento
Registered Social Worker / Psychotherapist
Vanessa Maharaj
Registered Social Worker / Psychotherapist
Denise Taher
Registered Psychotherapist
Start Adult Therapy with us Today!
Check out these resources:
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