Trauma and PTSD Therapy
Find Inner Safety
Feeling overwhelmed and easily triggered?
Have you experienced a traumatic or stressful event that has left you constantly on edge, overwhelmed, or easily triggered? Are you re-experiencing the event through flashbacks or nightmares? Are you finding yourself triggered easily, in a constant state of hyperarousal, or avoiding the people, places or things that remind you of the trauma? Or maybe you have uncomfortable and chronic physical symptoms, such as panic attacks, stomach aches, headaches, and general unease?
After a person experiences a traumatic event, they can feel stuck in an endless cycle of “putting out fires”. Their fight/flight/freeze response is always activated and they are living in constant place of hyper-arousal. Life becomes very hard, and they may notice their work/school life is taking a toll, and their relationships are deteriorating. Many people experience anger, hopelessness, despair, resentment, and irritability.
Unprocessed trauma can take its toll
For many people, talking about the traumatic event is so difficult that they work hard to avoid it. They try to carry on their day to day activities, “pushing away” the feelings because this is what’s easier in the moment. But as time goes on, they may notice that suppressing emotions has turned into physical health issues, such as digestive concerns or chronic pain or headaches. The person may get frustrated that things aren’t getting better, only worsening the cycle and negative mood state.
How talk therapy helps trauma and PTSD:
In therapy, the therapist works hard at creating a safe and compassionate space for the client to talk about their trauma. By talking out the details, sharing the complicated emotional experience of the trauma, the therapist and client work together in the journey of having the client feel more comfortable facing what has happened. The client learns how to identify and navigate their emotional triggers, talk to themselves with compassion and validation, learn body relaxation techniques for the uncomfortable physical symptoms, and challenge their unhelpful thoughts and worries. The goal is to teach, practice and incorporate the adaptive skills that are necessary to process and move forward after a trauma.
Trauma therapy can help you get back to feeling in charge of your life. It can help you process what has happened, feel more at peace, and find stability.
Therapy for Trauma and PTSD at Brookhaven
Our clinicians have specialized training and experience in treating trauma symptoms and PTSD using best practices available today. We understand it is very very hard to talk about a painful past, whether it’s a physical, sexual, or emotional trauma. We will work diligently with you in finding your voice and tapping into your inner strength, supporting you in addressing the very reason you are feeling trapped. We use proven strategies and modalities such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness, and Narrative Therapy, tailoring them to your unique story and set of circumstances. You are not in this alone: let us help you navigate the waters.
Start Therapy for Trauma and PTSD with us Today
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