Privacy Policy

for clients

Brookhaven Psychotherapy Privacy Policy for clients

Last Updated: June 11, 2024

At Brookhaven Psychotherapy, safeguarding your privacy and ensuring the confidentiality of your personal information is a cornerstone of our commitment to quality care. This Privacy Policy outlines our approach to collecting, utilizing, disclosing, and safeguarding personal information in compliance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) and applicable privacy legislation in Ontario.

1. Definition of Personal Information/Personal Health Information:

Personal information, as defined by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), encompasses details about an identifiable individual, including but not limited to contact information, name, address, phone number, email, gender, and date of birth.

Personal health information, in accordance with Ontario's Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), extends to oral or written information pertaining to an individual's physical or mental health, treatment received, family health history, and any related health services, among other specified categories.

In this Privacy Policy, personal information encompasses personal health information, aligning with our commitment to the highest standards of privacy protection.

2. Who is Brookhaven Psychotherapy?:

Brookhaven Psychotherapy operates as a multi-disciplinary group private practice, comprising Registered Social Workers, Registered Psychotherapists and administrative staff. Each member of our team is diligently trained in compliance with legislative and ethical guidelines governing psychotherapy services in Ontario. We ensure that every individual involved in our practice adheres to stringent confidentiality protocols and upholds the highest standards of privacy protection.

Additionally, we collaborate with external individuals and agencies, including bookkeepers, technical support staff, and legal advisors, who may have limited access to personal information strictly as required to fulfill their respective roles. All external parties are bound by privacy agreements and committed to maintaining confidentiality.

3. Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Information:

For Clients: Brookhaven Psychotherapy collects, uses, and discloses personal information exclusively for the purpose of delivering psychotherapy services. We obtain personal information directly from clients or authorized representatives, with explicit consent, unless exceptional circumstances dictate otherwise (e.g., emergency situations). Information collected is limited to what is deemed necessary for service provision, maintaining contact, and ensuring client safety.

The primary purpose of collecting personal information for clients is to facilitate the provision of psychotherapy services, including assessments, therapy sessions, and service planning. We may seek additional consent if personal information is to be used for research purposes or disclosed to external parties, except in cases where mandated by law or for reasons related to client safety or public interest.

In adherence to our team-based model, Brookhaven Psychotherapy may engage in consultations among team members to optimize client care. External disclosure of personal information typically occurs with client knowledge and consent, except in circumstances outlined as "limits of confidentiality," which include situations involving risk of harm, child welfare concerns, or legal obligations.

For General Public, Contract Staff, Volunteers, and Students: Personal information collected from individuals not receiving services is utilized solely for communication purposes, such as notifying about events or disseminating information related to psychotherapy services. Any personal information collected is strictly for the intended purpose and is not shared with external parties without explicit consent, unless mandated by law or professional obligations.

4. Protecting Personal Information:

Brookhaven Psychotherapy employs robust physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to protect personal information from unauthorized access, misuse, or alteration. These safeguards include encrypted storage of electronic records, restricted access to physical records, password protection, and secure transmission protocols for data transfer. Additionally, all individuals associated with Brookhaven Psychotherapy undergo comprehensive training on privacy principles and are bound by confidentiality agreements.

Our choice of electronic platforms, such as Jane App, adheres to stringent privacy standards, ensuring secure storage and transmission of client records. We continuously assess and enhance our security measures to mitigate risks and maintain compliance with privacy legislation.

5. Retention and Destruction of Personal Information:

Brookhaven Psychotherapy retains personal information for the duration necessary to fulfill service obligations and comply with regulatory requirements (College of Registered Psychotherapists and Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers). Client records are maintained for a minimum of ten years following the last contact, ensuring accessibility for ongoing service provision and accountability. Upon reaching the retention period, personal information is securely destroyed, either through electronic deletion or physical shredding, in accordance with privacy standards and ethical guidelines.

6. Your Right of Access to Personal Information:

Clients maintain the right to access their personal health information held by Brookhaven Psychotherapy, subject to limited exceptions. Requests for access must be made in writing, and identity verification may be required. While clients have the right to request corrections to factual information, professional opinions remain unchanged. Brookhaven Psychotherapy strives to promptly address access requests and, if necessary, provide explanations for denied access.

7. Contact Information:

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding Brookhaven Psychotherapy's privacy practices or this Privacy Policy, please contact our designated Privacy Officer:

Tamara Daniszewski

Privacy Officer of Brookhaven Psychotherapy

3-4300 Upper Middle Road, 289 635 3511, Burlington, ON

8. Conclusion:

Brookhaven Psychotherapy is committed to upholding the highest standards of privacy protection and confidentiality. By adhering to the principles outlined in this Privacy Policy, we ensure the security and integrity of your personal information while delivering exceptional psychotherapy services. Thank you for entrusting us with your care and privacy.